Welcome to another episode of The Coach’s Circle Podcast!
Our show is all about showing you everything the world of coaching has to offer–what it is, what it isn’t, and whether it might be the right career choice for you.
Through our conversations with professionals in a variety of different mental health and wellness fields, you’ll gain valuable, real-world insight into their careers and consider how their experiences might impact your own career choices. Our interviews will feature coaches, therapists, counselors, personal trainers, and other professionals who incorporate coaching into their practices. Our hope is that these varied perspectives will help you come to understand exactly the type of coach you were meant to be.
Today’s special guest is Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and professional certified coach through the International Coach Federation. She is based in Pacific Palisades, California.
Topics Covered:
- Eleanor takes us through her personal background and why she had a unique interest in psychology
- How Eleanor’s psychotherapy work and observing her clients led her to pursue certification as a coach
- How therapy and coaching differ in their look back into a client’s past
- Why Eleanor prefers to keep her niches open instead of niching down on one area of study
- Eleanor shares her challenges in marketing her practice online
Notable Quote
“The key is to stay true to doing what sparks joy, and to do what you love. That is the selling point. When you’re doing what you love and helping people in the way that is validating their path and is congruent with your own values, I don’t think that you can go wrong doing that. As long as you have integrity and […] honor the sensitivity and soul of the person that you’re working with.”
Learn More
Website: dreleanorhaspel-portner.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/eleanor-haspel-portner-ph-d-69293424/
Phone: 310-403-4347
Email: [email protected]
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